RSE - Information for parents
Dear Parents/Carers
At Wallsend Jubilee Primary we want all children to grow up healthy happy and safe and able to show resilience to challenges they face in modern Britain. As of September 2020 a change in the law means that all primary schools are required to teach Relationships and Health Education and they are recommended to teach Sex Education. The good news is that at Wallsend Jubilee Primary, we already teach a comprehensive PSHE curriculum to all year groups that includes relationships and sex education. The changes in law however, have required us to update our curriculum to ensure we cover all statutory objectives.
The curriculum we have created is designed to equip your child with the knowledge they need to make decisions about relationships and their own health and wellbeing. We have carefully planned units of work that are age appropriate and reflect the needs of the children we have at our school.
Relationships education
By the end of primary school, children will have been taught about:
- Families and people who care for me
- caring friendships
- Respectful relationships
- Online relationships
- Being safe
Health education
- Mental well being
- Internet safety and harms
- Physical health and fitness
- Healthy eating
- Facts and risks associated with alcohol and tobacco
- Health and prevention
- Basic first aid
- Changing adolescent body
You are unable to withdraw your child from Relationships education as it is vital that all children receive this content. At Wallsend Jubilee we feel it is important to also teach the non statutory elements that form the sex education. We would like to share with you in advance how and when we will be teaching these aspects so that you can provide us with feedback and ask questions. If you do not want your child to take part in some or all of the lessons, you may ask that your child is withdrawn. We strongly advise you to speak to us before doing this to ensure that you know exactly what will be taught and how.
There are also links to some useful government documents.
- Government guide for parents - primary
- Government statutory content
Please do not hesitate to contact us on the email addresses below with any queries of concerns you may have about the implementation of the new curriculum.
Mrs Anderson -
Mrs Tait -
PSHE Co-ordinators