
Attendance at Wallsend Jubilee Primary School


At Wallsend Jubilee Primary School we believe that regular and punctual attendance at school, are key elements in promoting children’s learning and attainment. Only by regular attendance can children access the quality education that is offered at our school. We expect all children to attend every day when the school is in session, as long as they are fit and healthy enough to do so.

The Government guidelines state that all children are expected to have an attendance of at least 96%.


Absence Procedures

If a child is absent parents/carers should:

  • Contact school by 9.30am on day of absence via:
  • ParentMail - Absence
  • Email -
  • Telephone 0191 8141601, which also has a 24 hour answering machine
  • Call into the school office to report the absence

If no notification is received by 9.30am (1.15 for afternoon Nursery) we will contact you. If we are unable to make contact a code of N (no notification) will go in your child's register and you may be contacted by local authorities.

When advising school of any absence please inform us of reason for absence, poorly, unwell and under the weather are difficult reasons to determine the reason for absence and we would need to contact you further.

Medical Appointments 

Wherever possible all medical appointments must be made out of school hours. Doctor/Dentist or Optician appointments can be made at times convenient to the child and we encourage you to make these outside of school hours. However, where this is not possible, medical appointment letters/cards must be given to the office so they may be copied.



All time taken outside statutory school holidays will be unauthorised by the school, unless in exceptional circumstances (see Policy). Remember children have 175 Non-School days in a year in which to spend time with family, visits, holidays, shopping, celebrating birthdays etc. Any requests for term-time holiday should be put in writing to the Headteacher detailing the dates involved.


Attendance Certificates and Rewards.

Every Monday each pupil who has 100% attendance for the previous week, will be placed in a draw for a winners prize. The winners will be rewarded in assembly.

At the end of each term all children who have 100% attendance that term will receive a certificate in our special assembly.


WJPS Attendance Policy is available on the school website under the information - policy tab