
Geography Curriculum


Our Geography Curriculum has been designed to provide children with the knowledge and understanding of their local area, the UK and the wider world. As an Eco- school, we place high importance on using our local environment within our Geography curriculum and so every opportunity for outdoor learning is provided. Our position close to The Rising Sun Country Park supports this and we provide children will the invaluable opportunity of working in the field and using their geographical skills in the real world. 


In EYFS children begin to explore the geographical features of their school grounds. They make simple maps and are introduced to basic geographic terms.


In KS1, children look at their home and their surrounding local areas. They explore weather patterns in the UK and are introduced to a non European country (Australia) to make  comparisons. More detailed maps are introduced as well as Atlases and children build upon their geographical vocabulary.


In KS2, children continue to explore their locality through studying it's human and physical characteristics. Children then move onto study European countries in more detail, including Italy and France, and then explore the continents on South America and North America in greater depth, looking at economic activity and trade links. 


Geography is taught across 3 main threads;

  • Locational and place knowledge
  • Human and physical Geography
  • Geography enquiry and fieldwork.
Cross curricular links are taught where possible with links to Literacy novels.