Over and Over Stories

Over & Over Stories
In Nursery we want our children to be lovers of stories and to join in with us when reading some of their favourites. The ‘Over and Over’ project involves reading the same stories over and over again so that the children become really familiar with them, they know the structure of the story and they're introduced to new vocabulary. Each day we will read 1 or 2 stories to your children and repeat them for a week, gradually introducing new stories each week. By the end of the programme your child will then have a bank of 10 stories which they should then know by heart. We will encourage your children to join in with the story once they know the words, talk about what happens in each story, and ask them which part did they like best? Who were the characters in the story? What happened at the end? etc.
Why don't you join in at home? Here are a selection of stories you can watch together, over and over again!